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Using Typescript

Stimulus itself is written in TypeScript and provides types directly over its package. The following documentation shows how to define types for Stimulus properties.

Define Controller Element Type

By default, the element of the controller is of type Element. You can override the type of the controller element by specifiying it as a Generic Type. For example, if the element type is expected to be a HTMLFormElement:

import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"

export default class MyController extends Controller<HTMLFormElement> {
submit() {
new FormData(this.element)

Define Value Properties

You can define the properties of configured values using the TypeScript declare keyword. You just need to define the properties if you are making use of them within the controller.

import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"

export default class MyController extends Controller {
static values = {
code: String

declare codeValue: string
declare readonly hasCodeValue: boolean

The declare keyword avoids overriding the existing Stimulus property, and just defines the type for TypeScript.

Define Target Properties

You can define the properties of configured targets using the TypeScript declare keyword. You just need to define the properties if you are making use of them within the controller.

The return types of the [name]Target and [name]Targets properties can be any inheriting from the Element type. Choose the best type which fits your needs. Pick either Element or HTMLElement if you want to define it as a generic HTML element.

import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"

export default class MyController extends Controller {
static targets = [ "input" ]

declare readonly hasInputTarget: boolean
declare readonly inputTarget: HTMLInputElement
declare readonly inputTargets: HTMLInputElement[]

The declare keyword avoids overriding the existing Stimulus property, and just defines the type for TypeScript.

Custom properties and methods

Other custom properties can be defined the TypeScript way on the controller class:

import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"

export default class MyController extends Controller {
container: HTMLElement

Read more in the TypeScript Documentation.